We failed. Facebook will, once again, do whatever they like.
So – once again, Facebook have collected the public consensus, and chosen to do what they want instead of listening to those who voted.
Have a read of the above link – it’s an interesting read – a justification for their most recent autocratic move.
So what can we gather from this vote?
- One email sent out in amongst all the Facebook junk you hate receiving constitutes “substantial efforts to inform our users and encourage them to vote, both through emails and their news feeds” – and as for the news feed coverage – well – we know lots of people who claim not to have seen any mention of this vote…
- Despite the fact that 88% of those who voted were against the proposals, unless Facebook receives 30% of their users, they will just ignore it anyway. (By the way – Facebook claims to have over one billion users, so 30% of that is: 300 million votes required.)
So Facebook continues to go against the majority and implements what it likes – and it will probably get away with it, for now.
Question is: How long will it last before people have finally had enough?