Great News for 2013: Price Freeze!
Today we confirm that our prices for website design and search engine optimisation services, will not increase for 2013.
But, why?
The last few years have been tough for business have faced a number of challenges:
- The VAT increase, pushing up prices of products for consumers
- Petrol and diesel prices sharply rising, causing many businesses to up their prices just to cover increased overheads
- High levels of inflation, peaking at 5.2% in 2011.
- The UK economy contracting, sending us into the infamous ‘double dip recession’
All these factors have caused the public to put the brakes on their spending, which is never good for businesses.
2013 looks even tougher, with most analysts suggesting that 2013 will be the year we feel the true extent of the government’s deficit reducing measures.
It is for this reason that we are not putting our web design and SEO prices up – we are freezing our prices to help businesses expand and renew their online presence.
Get your quote now!