SEO fit for 2014


Google has a mission. A mission that sounds simple. And that mission is to provide the user with the most relevant and up-to-date source of information to match whatever their search may be.


Think about it… When you searched for something, anything, you always want that first, second, third, and maybe you’ll stretch to fourth result to be exactly what you want.


The thing is, their mission may sound simple, and it is a simple requirement, but it is actually really, really difficult to achieve, because the internet (which recently turned 25!) is full of absolute rot and drivel from every amateur ‘expert’/moron that considers themselves to have a strong, well thought-out opinion, then there’s businesses that are sort of relevant to your search term (but never really are), and every scam-artist with a new con they think you’ll fall for.


But – the Internet is also full of genuine, credible, quality websites, run by actual experts who either just wants to educate their fellow human beings on a particular subject, or to make an honest living from the Internet.


The problem Google has is to sort out the bad guys, get them out the way, and serve you the genuine, quality, real-deal websites that best suit your needs. By no means is this an easy task.


So, how do they do it?

Well, to achieve this, Google frequently roll out updates, written by the best, to its, already remarkably complex, search algorithms. You’ve more than likely heard of them and not realised. They tend to be given names, such as Panda, Penguin, and the most recently introduced, Hummingbird.


If you haven’t heard of them by name, it’s still likely that you’ve heard something, as these updates tend to be followed by every web master on the planet whinging that they’ve been penalised, in their view, unfairly. Though there are some that this can be the case; those who played by the rules, and seen them change again, and those who have been naively employing black-hat tactics to raise them through the ranks. But oh well…


And that’s as far as this post goes…

This article marks the start of our series on search engine optimisation. Over the coming weeks, this series shall:
